Michelle McLellan Your organic vegetable gardening coach
Michele McLellan is an expert gardener who has been coaching home gardeners since 2009 to grow their own food free of toxins! Her expertise includes maximizing your yield by planting for the spring, summer, then fall.
Michele loves to inspire the home gardener to improve their soil by adding compost to your soil as when your plants have a healthy environment, they are less likely to get sick! Just like us. A key component is to be creative and make gardening fun!
Creativity can include growing an unusual vegetable you just cannot find at the farmer's market or grocery store. She is on a mission to bust the myth that eating healthy is expensive as it is much cheaper than visiting a doctor.
Let’s get started with composting! Making your own compost will improve the nutrients in your soil and reduce your vegetable and fruit scraps, leaves and plant material to go to the landfill!
Here’s to digging in the dirt, improving your health, one organic vegetable garden at a time,
Michele McLellan Your organic vegetable gardening coach
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Geschenk an die Kongressteilnehmer / Gift to all Summit participants
The secret to success organic vegetable gardening is the quality of your soil. Adding organic matter (compost) improves the nutrients in your soil and the soil texture. Clay soil is too compacted and sandy soil lets the water run through too fast. By adding homemade compost, your soil will turn into BLACK GOLD.
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